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New Project!

After tax season, I was quite burnt out, so I took a break from everything. Then I started building 1:24 scale DIY miniature house kits. You don’t have to think about what you’re going to make, just follow the directions. I find that helps me get my creative juices back.

It worked! ! I have long been a fan of steampunk - everything about it. So, I’ve decided I’m going to create a Victorian Steampunk Mansion. There’s a wonderful house that was gifted to me a couple of years ago (photo above). Its front opening on the main part and the attic. I will be cleaning it up and plan to use that house and create a Victorian interior with tons of steampunk elements and furniture in every room.

Part of the reason for starting this new house is that I’m stuck on the Winchester mansion. I’m not giving up on it, I just cannot start it until I have accurate room measurements. To get those, I need to visit the house again. I will be back in that area in October for the Good Sam Miniature Show, so I will be taking an extended tour at that time. I have an app on my phone that allows me to use the camera to measure the room. I will document both builds here on the blog, and possibly on my YouTube account.

Remember to take care of you so those creative ideas keep flowing!

Stay safe and keep crafting,


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